Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Kodiak Alaska VBS

I got mobbed by kids for a group hug and just had to take a picture! What a great trip. Can't wait to go back in 3 years!!!

Our group of VBS children at the closing service when parents were invited to come and see what the children learned throughout the week.

We stayed at a retreat center on Island Lake. Look at this gorgeous lake, and I'm out canoeing at 11 o clock at night!

Look a this sweet view of Kodiak harbor from the gun deck of the US Coast Guard Cutter Munro. We were given a tour by the Captain of the ship!

We all had a chance to go for a boat ride around Kodiak with Captain Tony and his trusty fishing boat.

Here I am inside of a Coast Guard C130. It was amazing, like a was about to fly out hatch without a parachute to be saved by Harrison Ford clinging to a strap!

Pastor Bob with one of our Gadget Groups on Kodiak. We served approximately 60 kids per day.

We took a ride on the Ferry Tustamena between Homer and Kodiak. You can see the fin of a whale off to the left of the picture. We had several great whale viewings, although I slept through the first one!

Here is our group getting at the airport in St. Louis. We had 15 youth and 4 adults from our church plus 2 adults from Louisiana. What a great team!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't you just love it!

Sam loves giving us the raspberries.


Peek a boo is a constant game we play in our house. Here Sam lays on the bed and mama crawls around and springs up to surprise him. Sam loves this! He searches for me and laughs like crazy when I spring up or if he spots the top of my head.

Anyone for a swim?

Sam had his first pool experience in late June at Isabelle's birthday party. We were a bit apprehensive due to the fact that up til then he didn't care to stay in the bath tub very long. However, he surprised us once again and began splashing a bit and even kicking his legs!

Cool little Sam

These were the coolest little sunglasses, as they wrap around his head and don't fall right off! Grandma found them for when we go to the beach in August.

Friday, July 10, 2009

An afternoon at the Garden with the Girls

We went to the Botanical gardens with Amie and the girls. Fun was had by all. The girls climbed all over the children's garden with all the tree houses and other activities there. But the best part was getting wet on this hot, humid afternoon in the fountain!

Sam even turned the boat wheel a couple of times ... until he decided he needed to see how it tasted! He is all about putting everything in his mouth and chewing. He has two teeth on the bottom and one coming through on top.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sam's Growing up fast

It's getting hot in St. Louis!
If only he could smile use his thumb when he loses his pacifier at night!

We spent a few hours at the Botanical Gardens in June. We found this great floppy hat for Sam among some items that were given to us!

We enjoy taking pictures of our SAM!

Mommy with our little Cubs fan. How hard can it be anyway bringing up a Cubs fan in St. Louis?

Our little ray of sunshine brings a smile everyday, how would you like to wake up to that smile. Daddy get's to almost every day!

Our little Sam is supporting himself with his arms very well!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Belly Laughs

Laughin til daddy comes home. While daddy was with the youth, Grandma and Grandpa Seban came for a couple of days. Here we got Sam rolling with laughter!

Sitting up?

Sam can now sit up on his own...if he wants to.

Mr. Sunshine

Here we have our little sunshine, who has been keeping mom on her toes, while dad is on a youth trip. Tim gets back today. YEAH!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What a great smile!

Our days are filled with these amazing smiles. You can tell he just lights up a room!

Mirror Mirror...

Our crazy little guy laughs with Mommy as they play with the mirror!

Say What?

Sam and Dad take some time for a conversation... Sam doesn't look to sure about what's being said!

First St. Patrick's Day

Sam is all smiles on his first St. Patrick's day. Aunt Sally and Uncle Jim sent him this little outfit


Sam looks good in green! Mom and Dad are just happy he's smiling after a bath! He's just starting to like them!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Grandparents came to visit

We were so happy to have our parents come for a visit. Sam is growing so fast and can now play with his grand parents.

He loved every minute of it as you can see!

Spring has sprung!

Finally a nice day! Tim's parents were here for a few days and were able to go out and take a few family pics. It was very bright and windy and Sam wasn't so sure of that so he was alittle distracted.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I love my Mom!

Sam gazes into Wendy's eyes as they share a laugh together on a bright sunny day. Today Sam also had his best cereal eating experience even grabbing the spoon away from his Mom! Wendy said he has an appetite like his dad... Oh so true. (says Dad)

Here is another one of Sam's many expressions.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Whoops...How did I get here?

That was the look on Sam's face when he had tummy time the other day and all of a sudden found himself on his back when he rolled over. He has accomplished this feat a few times, but is never sure how he did it. I was lucky to snap a few photos this last time! Our boy is growing so fast!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rice Cereal Adventures

At Monday's Dr. appointment, Sam weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz, and measured 22 1/2 inches long. He also was approved to start rice cereal once a day. The first few days was simple a quick taste and spit it out...that was until Grandma Seban came. We put Sam in his chair, tilted it way back, and and away we went. He ate at least half of a very small bowl. As you can see here, he enjoyed it!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

It was mommy's birthday on the 20th, after she feed me we played like usual. She always makes me smile, but today I thought I'd surprise her with my first real laugh. She was so delighted and ran to go get daddy. However, I decided I'd save this little accomplishment just for her for now. I'll do it for daddy when he least expects it!