Monday, January 19, 2009

Here are some of our favorite pictures!

Our little Raider. Sam at 4 works old wears his first little raiders Jersey. It was a "00" like his Dad's Uncle Jim Jersey in the background. Tim can't wait until they can watch more Raider games together!

Mother and Son on Sam's first Thanksgiving.

The Seban Family got together at our house in St. Louis for Thanksgiving. It was great to be together.

It is different to see our family photos and not see my brother Scott. We certainly miss him a lot!

Sam was baptised into the Lord's family on November 23rd by his Dad. It was an awesome experience, and we celebrated together with family and friends. Grandma Patzer made Sam's little outfit. That seems so long ago!

Our handsome little Sam, shaded from the bright winter sun.

We were able to hang out with some of our friends from back in our Concordia days. It was great to see Rachel (and Caleb) Aimee, and Carrie.

Our first family Christmas picture at Matt and Amy's house in Hubertus, Wisconsin.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Family Christmas

(Tim writes) Over the Christmas holiday we were able to spend a lot of time with family. It started with Wendy and Sam spending a few days in Bloomington with her parents leading up to Christmas day. After preaching on Christmas I hopped in the car and joined the family where we experienced Sam's first Christmas and celebrated with the Patzer family.

On the 26th we went up to Wisconsin to spend time with my family. Over our few days there we were able to play with our neice and nephews, slip and slide on an frozen ice rink, watch the Raiders win the last game of the year, have our family Christmas, and just simply hang out together.

Sam did great in the car. He travels about 2 and a half hours before he begins to get hungry. All the grandparents and the rest of the family enjoyed having the newest little Seban around. He is trully a great bundle of joy, who brightens our days with his smiling eyes and pleasant disposition.

And Sam makes three

Many of you now know that on October 21st, 2008, we welcomed Samuel Joseph Scott Seban into the world at 8:03 pm. He was 3 lbs 14 oz and 16 1/2 inches long.