Monday, March 23, 2009

The Grandparents came to visit

We were so happy to have our parents come for a visit. Sam is growing so fast and can now play with his grand parents.

He loved every minute of it as you can see!

Spring has sprung!

Finally a nice day! Tim's parents were here for a few days and were able to go out and take a few family pics. It was very bright and windy and Sam wasn't so sure of that so he was alittle distracted.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I love my Mom!

Sam gazes into Wendy's eyes as they share a laugh together on a bright sunny day. Today Sam also had his best cereal eating experience even grabbing the spoon away from his Mom! Wendy said he has an appetite like his dad... Oh so true. (says Dad)

Here is another one of Sam's many expressions.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Whoops...How did I get here?

That was the look on Sam's face when he had tummy time the other day and all of a sudden found himself on his back when he rolled over. He has accomplished this feat a few times, but is never sure how he did it. I was lucky to snap a few photos this last time! Our boy is growing so fast!