Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't you just love it!

Sam loves giving us the raspberries.


Peek a boo is a constant game we play in our house. Here Sam lays on the bed and mama crawls around and springs up to surprise him. Sam loves this! He searches for me and laughs like crazy when I spring up or if he spots the top of my head.

Anyone for a swim?

Sam had his first pool experience in late June at Isabelle's birthday party. We were a bit apprehensive due to the fact that up til then he didn't care to stay in the bath tub very long. However, he surprised us once again and began splashing a bit and even kicking his legs!

Cool little Sam

These were the coolest little sunglasses, as they wrap around his head and don't fall right off! Grandma found them for when we go to the beach in August.

Friday, July 10, 2009

An afternoon at the Garden with the Girls

We went to the Botanical gardens with Amie and the girls. Fun was had by all. The girls climbed all over the children's garden with all the tree houses and other activities there. But the best part was getting wet on this hot, humid afternoon in the fountain!

Sam even turned the boat wheel a couple of times ... until he decided he needed to see how it tasted! He is all about putting everything in his mouth and chewing. He has two teeth on the bottom and one coming through on top.