Friday, February 27, 2009

Rice Cereal Adventures

At Monday's Dr. appointment, Sam weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz, and measured 22 1/2 inches long. He also was approved to start rice cereal once a day. The first few days was simple a quick taste and spit it out...that was until Grandma Seban came. We put Sam in his chair, tilted it way back, and and away we went. He ate at least half of a very small bowl. As you can see here, he enjoyed it!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

It was mommy's birthday on the 20th, after she feed me we played like usual. She always makes me smile, but today I thought I'd surprise her with my first real laugh. She was so delighted and ran to go get daddy. However, I decided I'd save this little accomplishment just for her for now. I'll do it for daddy when he least expects it!

Sunday Snooze Fest

This is what Sunday afternoons look like at the Seban house. Daddy has to go back to church for the rest of the afternoon and part of the night, so he gets his Sam time in any way he can!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

All Smiles!

As you can see Sam is Mr. Smiley. He loves to talk and smile to all who take the time. He also loves to make all kinds of new noises trying to mimic mommy and all the fun noises she makes.

We truly love our little Sam and enjoy watching him grow. Sam weighs somewhere in the ten pound range and is getting longer everyday.

He holds his head up and grasps for things held infront of him or on his gym. He is also discovering his fingers.

As you can see here, he also loves to share his gym with Wendy's parents cat, Milo. While we were visiting Bloomington in early February, when ever Sam was not on the gym Milo was.

Wendy's parents, Bob and Linda, really enjoyed our recent visit where we celebrated their anniversary and Wendy's birthday. Sam gave smiles out generously and was happy to spend time with grandma and grandpa.

Monday, February 2, 2009

9 lbs 5 1/2 oz!

Yes, I am a whole 9 lbs 5 1/2 oz, as of Saturday, January 31st! As you can see I'm also smiling and responding to all those around me. Mom and dad think I'm growing like a weed. I'm working on sleeping longer at night. Lately, I get a good 6 to 7 hours before I get hungry again.

Grandma and Grandpa Seban came to visit mom, dad, and I. We really enjoyed them and I'm sure they enjoyed me! They sat and talked to me, helped me exercise, and smiled back at me. Fun was had by all!